Understanding and solving K12 transportation problems is our passion.
Thought leaders needed
Educating Parents
about your carpool line procedures is one of the most important steps to a safe an efficient carpool lane. Educate regularly through website, texts, postcards, individual and group conversations.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Develop a School Carpool Lane Procedures Guide
for Enhanced Carpooling, including a map of your School’s carpool lane layout, to help parents understand the process of using our carpool services. Remember to include our “Air Quality Facts” printable for parents on the importance of reduced idling time and remind parents to turn off their engines while they wait.
Develop Staggered-Time Groups
to help with dismissal and congestion in the community. Review any metrics the School has that will be helpful in creating the groups.
Consider Creating a Carpool Express Lane
for parents who are carpooling with other families, creating ShortTerm Parking spaces, or the use of orange cones for good visual direction.
Design eye capturing carpool removable stickers
to identify moving through the lane.
Post your School’s Carpool Lane Visual
and procedure guidelines on your School’s website and in your parent handbook. Have it handy and ready for distribution on open house nights, front office and classroom if appropriate.
Hold a Carpool Session during your Back to School Night/Week or Open House
at the start of each School year or when any major changes occur to inform parents of CarpooltoSchool works and your School’s procedures for the carpool lane.
Student Transportation Family Survey
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
We want to learn about how children get to and from school and afterschool activities. Your feedback is valuable. This survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. We ask that each family completes the survey once.
After you have completed this survey, please follow the directions provided. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results. We are looking at the results in the aggregate.
Thank you for participating in this survey!
From the Blog
We’ve Rebranded CarpooltoSchool to Go Together!
We are thrilled to announce that CarpooltoSchool has undergone a significant transformation, and we are proud to introduce our new brand identity: Go Together. With
State of the Union – K12 Transportation
With Summer in Full Swing, school districts are using this time to prepare for the upcoming school year, celebrate the achievements of the past year,